The One Thing By Gary Bayer 

 CHAPTER 1: The Lies We Live By

In this chapter, Keller introduces the concept that many people are overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks they believe they must juggle. He argues that the common myths—like multitasking, everything matters equally, and a disciplined life—is counterproductive. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of focusing on one thing that truly matters. By identifying and prioritizing this “one thing,” individuals can achieve greater clarity and success.

CHAPTER 2: The Truth

Keller presents the core principle of the book: focusing on one thing leads to extraordinary results. He encourages readers to ask themselves, “What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” This question helps to clarify priorities and directs focus towards what will yield the most significant impact. Keller highlights the importance of discipline and time management in achieving this focus.

CHAPTER 3: Live with Purpose

This chapter discusses the necessity of having a clear purpose to guide your one thing. Keller stresses that understanding your goals and values is crucial for aligning your efforts. He suggests that a sense of purpose not only motivates but also helps prioritize actions that lead to meaningful outcomes. By connecting daily actions to a larger purpose, individuals can maintain focus and drive towards their most important tasks.

These chapters lay the groundwork for the book’s central message: prioritization and focused effort are key to achieving success and fulfillment.

CHAPTER 4: Live with Purpose

This chapter emphasizes the importance of identifying your purpose to guide your actions. Keller suggests that having a clear purpose helps in making decisions and prioritizing tasks, ultimately leading to better focus on what truly matters. The chapter encourages readers to ask themselves what they want to achieve in life and to align their daily activities with that overarching goal.

CHAPTER 5: Live by Priority

Keller discusses the significance of prioritizing tasks based on their impact on achieving your purpose. He introduces the concept of the “Focusing Question”: “What’s the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” This question helps in narrowing down options and concentrating efforts on the most critical tasks that contribute to meaningful results.

CHAPTER 6: Live for Productivity

In this chapter, Keller focuses on maximizing productivity by creating effective habits and routines. He emphasizes the need to manage time effectively, suggesting techniques like time blocking to dedicate specific periods for focused work. The chapter also highlights the importance of saying no to distractions and less important tasks to maintain a high level of productivity.

Together, these chapters convey that a clear sense of purpose, prioritization of tasks, and effective time management are key components for achieving extraordinary results in both personal and professional life. By focusing on the most important tasks that align with your purpose, you can enhance your productivity and achieve your goals more efficiently.

CHAPTER 7: Live with Purpose

In this chapter, Keller emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose in life. He argues that understanding your purpose helps prioritize your goals and actions. Keller suggests that individuals should ask themselves what they want to achieve in the long term and align their daily activities with that vision. By focusing on your “One Thing,” you can create a meaningful life that reflects your true values and aspirations.

CHAPTER 8: Live by Priority

This chapter focuses on the necessity of prioritizing tasks effectively. Keller introduces the concept of the “Focusing Question”: “What’s the One Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” He advises readers to identify their top priority each day and to allocate their time and resources accordingly. By doing so, you can minimize distractions and concentrate on what truly matters, leading to greater productivity and fulfillment.

CHAPTER 9: Live for Productivity

Keller discusses the importance of productivity in achieving your goals. He highlights that being busy does not equate to being productive. The chapter dives into time-blocking techniques, suggesting that you should reserve specific blocks of time for your most important tasks. This approach helps maintain focus and reduces the likelihood of interruptions. The goal is to create a structured environment where your “One Thing” can thrive.

These chapters collectively stress the significance of purpose, prioritization, and productivity. By aligning your daily actions with your long-term goals and focusing on what truly matters, you can achieve more significant results and lead a more fulfilling life.

CHAPTER 10: Live with Purpose

This chapter emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose in life. Keller argues that knowing your purpose helps you focus on what truly matters and guides your decisions. He encourages readers to reflect on their core values and long-term goals, which can clarify what “the one thing” is for each individual. By aligning daily actions with this purpose, you can achieve greater satisfaction and effectiveness.

CHAPTER 11: Live by Priority

Keller discusses the significance of prioritizing tasks based on their impact. He introduces the idea of the “focusing question”: “What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” This question helps filter out distractions and guides you to tackle the most important tasks first. He stresses the need to say no to less important activities to make room for what truly drives success.

CHAPTER 12: Live for Productivity

In this chapter, the focus shifts to productivity strategies. Keller outlines time-blocking as a technique to allocate dedicated time for your most important tasks. He advises setting aside uninterrupted periods to concentrate on “the one thing” without distractions. Additionally, he highlights the importance of developing habits that support productivity, such as eliminating multitasking and creating a supportive environment.

Overall, these chapters collectively advocate for a purposeful and prioritized approach to life and work. By identifying your core values, focusing on what matters most, and enhancing productivity through effective practices, you can achieve your goals more efficiently and meaningfully.

CHAPTER 13: Live with Accountability

In this chapter, Keller emphasizes the role of accountability in achieving your goals. He suggests finding an accountability partner or group to help keep you on track. Sharing your goals and progress with others creates a sense of responsibility, which can motivate you to stay committed. Keller highlights that accountability not only helps in maintaining focus but also fosters a supportive environment for growth.

 CHAPTER 14: Live by the Three Commitments

Keller introduces three key commitments necessary for success:

1. Follow your passion: Engage in activities that resonate with you.

2. Be a student: Continuously seek knowledge and improvement in your chosen area.

3. Be relentless: Maintain perseverance and dedication despite challenges.

These commitments serve as a framework for cultivating a mindset geared toward achieving your “one thing” and overcoming obstacles.

Chapter 15: Live the Four Thieves of Productivity

This chapter addresses the common pitfalls that can sabotage productivity. Keller identifies four “thieves”:

1. Inability to say no: Recognizing the importance of setting boundaries.

2. Fear of chaos: Understanding that some disorder is necessary for growth and prioritization.

3. Poor health habits: Stressing the need for physical well-being as a foundation for productivity.

4. Environment that doesn’t support your goals: Creating a workspace that encourages focus and minimizes distractions. By addressing these thieves, you can enhance your productivity and maintain alignment with your goals.

Together, these chapters reinforce the importance of accountability, commitment, and awareness of potential obstacles in the pursuit of your “one thing.” By fostering a supportive network, committing to your passions, and mitigating productivity thieves, you can significantly enhance your effectiveness and achieve your desired outcomes.

CHAPTER 16: Live with Purpose

In this chapter, Keller emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose in life. He argues that knowing your purpose helps you prioritize what truly matters. By aligning your daily actions with your overarching goals, you can focus on your “One Thing” that drives you toward success. Keller encourages readers to reflect on their values and long-term aspirations to create a compelling vision that guides their decisions.

 CHAPTER 17: Live by Priority

Keller discusses the necessity of prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. He introduces the idea of a “success list” versus a “to-do list.” While a to-do list can become overwhelming, a success list focuses on the few tasks that will have the most significant impact on achieving your goals. The chapter reinforces the concept of saying “no” to distractions and less important tasks to dedicate time and energy to your “One Thing.”

CHAPTER 18: Live for Productivity

In this chapter, Keller highlights the need for productivity to achieve extraordinary results. He presents strategies for maximizing productivity, such as time blocking and creating an environment conducive to focus. Keller stresses that productivity is not just about working harder but working smarter. He encourages readers to adopt habits that enhance their efficiency and effectiveness, allowing them to make meaningful progress toward their goals.

These chapters collectively emphasize the significance of purpose, prioritization, and productivity in achieving extraordinary results. By focusing on what truly matters and managing time and energy effectively, individuals can align their daily actions with their long-term goals, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment.


In conclusion, “The One Thing” by Gary Keller offers a powerful framework for achieving success by emphasizing the importance of focus and prioritization. By identifying and concentrating on the single most important task in various areas of life, individuals can make significant progress while minimizing distractions. The principles of time blocking and the Focusing Question guide readers toward more effective goal setting and enhanced productivity. Ultimately, Keller’s approach encourages a balanced life where meaningful accomplishments take precedence over the overwhelming urge to do everything at once. This focused mindset not only leads to professional success but also enriches personal fulfillment.


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